Room of the Week

Kitchen envy! I was reading the latest issue of Rue Magazine online and came across an article about a French couple and their stunning Soho loft. They described their style a "cultural mix" with Japanese, Scandinavian and Parisian influences. Overall their style was modern and eclectic and I absolutely loved it. The kitchen was my favorite room in their house, maybe because it was the simplest. I love the exposed brick wall painted white, the open cabinets and the metal chairs they have lining the island. But I think what really makes this room are the small accents of their personal taste placed around the room, making it their own. I love the owl perched atop the counter and the two pictures next to each other on the wall showing different types of butterflies and birds. It's definitely hard to mix different kinds of styles but these two made it work and the results were amazing. 


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