Sunny Days

I'm currently on Spring Break in Myrtle Beach visiting my boyfriend. I've been here for about three days so far and the weather has been overall really nice. Lots of sunny days. Friday we went out to lunch and then layed out by the pool. Then at night we saw the Hunger Games which was honestly incredible. I absolutely loved it. If you haven't seen it yet, you must go now! It was really good and stayed true to the book, which I really liked. Over the weekend we went to Broadway at the Beach, one of my favorite spots to walk around down here. We went to lunch and got ice cream. Yum. And today it's a little over 80 degrees out so we plan on hitting the pool or beach and enjoying the heat and sun. I love the weather here! The forecast always says there's going to be thunderstorms but those days turn out to be the hottest and most beautiful of them all. My goal is to take a ton of photos, (I never follow through on that, but I'll try) and keep you updated with all of the fun things we're doing.  Ciao! 

Photos: 1


  1. i'm envisioning the boardwalk carnival from the last song. even though that was north carolina. but so nicholas sparks regardless


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