Now that it's officially 2013, I've began to make a list of resolutions that I really want to follow through on. Some I've made in the past and never put any real effort into keeping but this year I really want to make a change in my life. I want to be happier and healthier and enjoy the little things more. These are my resolutions:
1. Read all twenty books on the "20 Books to Read in Your 20's" list.
2. Spend less. Save more. (This is something I constantly struggle with. Severe shopping addiction.)
3. Eat healthier and exercise more. (Another thing I struggle with.)
4. Be more spontaneous.
5. Take a trip.
6. Take more photos, & organize them.
7. Spend more quality time with my family and friends.
8. Go on more dates with the bf.
9. Worry less. Live, love & laugh more.
10. Make this blog into what I've always dreamed it to be... starting NOW.
Photos: 1
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