To An Amazing Woman

Happy Birthday to an amazing woman, my grandma, Norma Evers! I consider myself extremely lucky to be so close with my grandmother. Our relationship is very different from the relationships that most people have with their grandmothers, as most of my friends can tell you. She is not your typical grandmother, knitting sweaters in a rocking chair. She is always moving and working and doing. She is full of life and young at heart and has a beautiful spirit about her. She is more than a grandma to me she is a great friend. I am constantly at her house or calling her, venting about my problems or telling her something amazing that happened and confiding in her, and she does the same with me. She is genuinely an incredible woman, strong and smart, and always has been. I am so blessed to have someone like her in my life. I love you Grandma! Happy Birthday! 


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