Adventureeeee Is Out There!

Going to school in the heart of New York City surely has its benefits. This being said, I have never taken advantage of the fact that I'm in the city almost every day of week. With such a demanding school semester I never thought it would be possible to explore the city and find hidden treasures, but then my friends and I decided it was a must. So we declared every Tuesday our day of adventure. Every week we've been going to different places in the city. I think my New Year's resolution of taking more photographs is going to be fulfilled now. I plan to document our travels (as is my friend, here) every week so you can see what we're doing and what we've discovered. We've already taken quite a few trips including a Valentine's Day lunch at Max Brenner's in Union Square, celebrating the Giants winning the Super Bowl at the parade down by City Hall, a little window-shopping trip in SoHo and most recently our trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Personally I love when our adventures involve stopping to eat. Last week we went to New York Burger Co. and after, this little bakery that sold macaroons and decadent tarts. Both places were adorable! And delicious, of course! Seriously, I could eat cheeseburgers every single day. Definitely my weakness. Here's a few photos I took with Instagram... 


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