Give Good Face

Like most other girls my age, I am concerned with the way I look on a daily basis. I say I don't care what I look like but I wake up an extra half hour early to give myself time to do my hair and makeup before school. I used to barely ever wear makeup... just the bare essentials like mascara and lip balm. In high school I worked at Hollister, where make-up was never to be noticeable, and it taught me to see myself as "naturally beautiful." Later on in college, I worked at Sephora and that changed my makeup routine completely. The more dramatic the makeup, the better. Ever since then I've gotten in the habit of always putting makeup on before I go out. But lately I've been thinking about how much better I look when I'm fresh faced and glowing. If I start taking care of my skin then I will no longer need to wear as much makeup. So I've been doing research and watching videos and although taking care of your skin is a process, it's a worthwhile one. There's a lot of steps and products involved in having a morning and nightly skin care routine. What I've learned so far is that you need to use a makeup remover, a facial cleanser, an exfoliating scrub, a toner, a moisturizer (with SPF), and an eye cream. Sounds like a lot but the pay off will be amazing and once you get in the habit it won't seem like its so much. I want my skin to stay young and fresh for as long as possible. After doing a little bit of research these are some of the products I plan on trying to perfect my own skincare routine.
The Body Shop Camomile Gentle Eye Make-Up Remover $15, Clinique Naturally Gentle Eye Make-Up Remover $17, St. Ives Invigorating Apricot Scrub $3, Aveeno Clear Complexion Foaming Cleanser $7, Clinique Clarifying Lotion $12.40, Aveeno Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer $14, Kiehl's Creamy Eye Treatment $28.50, Clarisonic Mia $119


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